Hair Loss
We are anderson hair center that helps thousands just like you to get back not just only your hair, but the most important thing is your self confidence which you once had.
Our latest technology gives you the most natural looking hair where you can not find any where else.
" Highly trained professional staff ready to assist you."
Hairsystemthailand by Anerson. ( Andersonhairsystem) can work with you to see what is the best that suit your need. We are very transparent and not just out to pressure you into buying.
With our free consultion by phone or walk in we can answer all your needs when it comes to hair loss.
Our services
1. Hair Replacement System (Hair addition)
1.1 Hair Replacement for Men
Hair Replacement system (Hair addition ), a whole new direction and the quickest ways to fix your hair loss. Hair System is popular throughout the world and is the best hair loss solution to restore your natural appearance. Anderson Hair Systems can give you all of your hair back like how it used to look.With this newly technique we can add hair to the area where your hair has disappear .We achieve results that cannot be achieved with expensive and invasive hair transplant surgeries and potentially dangerous chemicals drugs. How would you like to look 10 years younger!
Pictures of hairpiece!
Catalog hair piece!

Before and After Real true pictures of clients to proof to you!
1.2 Hair Replacement for Women
Our hair systems for women are absolutely stunning! All women’s hair pieces, hair systems, and natural wigs from our collection for women are handmade with the world's best human hair and are available with many designs, ranging from top-of-the-head systems to integration systems to full head coverage. When you order women’s hair replacement systems at Advent Hair, you will receive salon-quality products for the lowest prices available. In addition, every sale is backed by our dedicated customer service consultants who are committed to finding you the products you want and need.
Hair Systems for Women
Absolute Stunning Hair Systems for Women

1.3 Hair Replacement for Kids.
Is a jungle out there for our children and with them having no hair is even worst for them. Having being pick on children with hair loss can undergo bad times in school. Anderson can help your child get that full of hair look so where they will feel normal like other kids.

2. Toppik: Hair fiber building
See a Full Head of Hair in 30 Seconds
Instantly eliminate the appearance of baldness and thinning hair. Toppik Hair Building Fibers are all natural Keratin "hairs" that bind to your own existing hair to instantly make your hair look fuller and thicker.
Add " Hair " to your Hair To apply Toppik, simply shake it gently over your thining areas. In seconds, thousands of tiny color matched hair fibers intertwine with your own hair. " Magnetized " with static electricity, they bond so securely that they will stay in place all day and night.
Durable and Totally Undetectable Toppik won't come off in wind, rain or perspiration. It is totally undetectable, even from as close as two inches. Toppik stays securely in place giving natural-looking thickness and fullness until the next time you shampoo. It is compatible with all hair products and is great for both men and women.
A Safe, Effective Option Toppik is recommended by doctors because it is completely safe and work amazingly well with hair transplants. No matter what your condition, if you are concerned about visible hair loss, Toppik will change the way you feel about yourself every time you look in the mirror.
3. Hair Extenstion for lady
Hair extensions are methods of adding commercial hair to natural hair. With our advanced techniques we can change the hair drastically without looking unrealistic. We also offer methods to conceal thinning or hair loss in concentrated areas.
4. Hair System Maintenance,
We can rescue your current unit with professional hairpiece repair, reconditoning, and hair-adding services- Even if you didn't get your hair form us! Basic work is performed by our in-house staff hair tech, while more complex jobs are sent to our skilled factory technicians.
Let us fix up your System!
International repair
Not only we do local repair we also do repair from your home country. Please simply fill out our form we have prepare for you and send them back to us and we will return it to you in a great condition.
Let us fix up your System!
Please call 02-254-5350 หรือ สาย081-750-5287